- Valve Insulation Covers
- Flange Insulation Covers
- Strainer Insulation Covers
- Filter Insulation Covers
- Pump Insulation Covers
- Flow Meter Covers
- Piping System Covers
- Manway Insulation Covers
- Jacketed Vessel Covers
- Transmitter Covers
- Screw Conveyor Covers
- Exhaust System Covers
- Turbine Insulation Covers
- Covers w/ Heating Elements
- Exchanger Insulation Covers
- Sound Attenuation Covers
- Panel System Covers
- White Insulation Covers
- Fan Insulation Covers
Fit Tight Transmitter Insulation Blankets
Modern industrial processes require accurate control of manufacturing and processing variables, such as temperature, fluid levels, and flow. In industrial process control, a “transmitter” is used to send information to a control center to allow monitoring and adjusting the process. These devices convert measurements from sensors throughout the plant into signals that are sent electronically and received at another location to be displayed or controlled so that the process can be adjusted appropriately. No matter what type of transmitters are installed at your facility, Fit Tight custom transmitter insulation covers protect sensitive transmitting devices from harsh environmental conditions and vibrations within your plant. They also offer excellent protection against freezing and overheating.
Protect sensitive transmitters against freezing and overheating
In addition, Fit Tight’s custom transmitter insulation covers, or insulation blankets, protect sensitive transmitters against freezing and overheating. And removable custom-fitted transmitter insulation covers are especially vital to minimizing re-insulation time and manpower needs when transmitters must be uncovered for inspection and maintenance in adverse conditions and heavy weather. Our custom engineered transmitter insulation covers are made to be strong and durable, provide complete coverage and protection, and are designed to be easily removed by your maintenance crew for monitoring and servicing then quickly and easily reinstalled. They will reduce maintenance man hours and costs.
Custom-designed, durable, & long lasting covers
Fit Tight is committed to providing the quality insulation covers our clients’ applications demand. Fit Tight design engineers will visit your site and evaluate your transmitter insulation cover requirements. They will design the custom insulation covers required for any transmitter configuration, temperature range, and access needs in your plant. Then our manufacturing engineers will assure that the covers you receive are durable, long lasting, and specifically designed and manufactured to provide optimum transmitter protection and insulation.
Let Fit Tight be the solution to your Transmitter insulation cover needs. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact a member of our team for your specific custom valve insulation covers.
Fit Tight Covers
1200 N Willow Rd STE 100
Evansville, IN 47711
- Fit Tight Covers Joins Forces with EVSC OptIN and SICTICJune 8, 2023 - 8:04 pm
- Fit Tight Covers Wins CSIA Platinum Level Safety AwardMay 24, 2023 - 8:06 pm
- Calvin Brasel: Elevating Fit Tight Covers to New Heights as Vice PresidentMay 19, 2023 - 8:14 pm